Item Payment Plan Offers
Request to retrieve the payment plan offers available for an item or a list of items. Use this request when your payer is browsing your online store and you display details for an item and want to show all available payment payment offers (including the full details of each offer) for this item or the payer is viewing a page listing a number of items and you want to indicate for each item if a payment plan offer is available. Provide details for the items for which you want to display payment plan offers in the request. See Payment Plans for more details.
Authentication Copied to clipboard
This operation requires authentication via one of the following methods:
- Certificate authentication.
Basic HTTP authentication as described at
Provide 'merchant.
<your gateway merchant ID>
' in the userid portion and your API password in the password portion.
Request Copied to clipboard
URL Parameters Copied to clipboard
Alphanumeric + additional characters
The unique identifier issued to you by your payment provider.
This identifier can be up to 12 characters in length.
Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_'
Min length: 1 Max length: 40Fields Copied to clipboard
Any sequence of zero or more unicode characters.
A transient identifier for the request, that can be used to match the response to the request.
The value provided is not validated, does not persist in the gateway, and is returned as provided in the response to the request.
Data can consist of any characters
Upper case alphabetic text
Provide the currency you are using to display prices to your payer.
Payment plan offers will be provided in this currency. Provide the ISO 4217 alpha code, e.g. USD.
Data must consist of the characters A-Z
Information about the items displayed to the payer.
The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) or the item identifier for this item.
Data can consist of any characters
The cost price for the item.
This amount does not include the tax amount and/or discount amount applicable to this item. This amount must be provided in the currency in field 'currency'.
Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.
The language that you prefer to be used when presenting payment plan offers to the payer.
Payment plan offer details like, for example, terms and conditions, and reclaim instructions will be provided in this language. Provide a language identifier or IETF language tag (e.g. en_US, es, fr-CA). If the requested locale is not supported, the best matching locale is used. The default is English (en-US;q=1.0, en;q=0.5).
Data must be a language identifier or IETF language tag
Response Copied to clipboard
Fields Copied to clipboard
A transient identifier for the request, that can be used to match the response to the request.
The value provided is not validated, does not persist in the gateway, and is returned as provided in the response to the request.
Data can consist of any characters
Upper case alphabetic text
Provide the currency you are using to display prices to your payer.
Payment plan offers will be provided in this currency. Provide the ISO 4217 alpha code, e.g. USD.
Data must consist of the characters A-Z
Information about the items displayed to the payer.
Details about the payment plan offers available for this item.
Alphanumeric + additional characters
The unique identifier for this payment plan offer.
Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_'
If a cash award is offered, this parameter group contains the cash award amount and instructions on how the payer can claim the amount.
An amount offered to the payer if they accept this payment plan offer.
For example, the payer may receive a $50 cash award for accepting a payment plan offer that results in the payer paying a total of $1000 over 5 payments (including interest and fees), meaning that the total cost to the payer is actually $950. Details about how the payer can claim this amount are provided in the item[n].paymentPlanOffer{id}.cashAward.payerInstructionText field.
Data is a decimal number.
Text that advises the payer how they can claim the reclaim amount.
You must display this text to the payer when presenting this payment plan offer. The text may include a link to the payment plan service provider's website.
Data can consist of any characters
Upper case alphabetic text
Provide the currency you are using to display prices to your payer.
Payment plan offers will be provided in this currency. Provide the ISO 4217 alpha code, e.g. USD.
Data must consist of the characters A-Z
If the first payment for this payment plan offer is deferred, the field contains the number of months until the first payment is due.
Data is a decimal number.
The total amount of all fees that apply for this payment plan offer.
The fee amount is charged to the payer in addition to the interest rate.
Data is a decimal number.
The amount of the first payment for this payment plan offer.
The amount for all subsequent payments is provided in item[n].paymentPlanOffer{id}.subsequentPaymentAmount. The amount is expressed as a decimal number in the units of the currency. For example 12.34 in USD is the amount 12 dollars and 34 cents.
Data is a decimal number.
Information about the interest.
The discount amount applied to the interest amount.
Data is a decimal number.
The interest rate.
Data is a decimal number.
The number of monthly payments payable by the cardholder.
JSON number data type, restricted to being positive or zero. In addition, the represented number may have no fractional part.
Alphanumeric + additional characters
The unique identifier of the payment plan product for this payment plan offer.
Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-'
Information about qualifiers for this payment plan offer.
For example, a qualifier can be an issuing bank. In this case the offer is only applicable if the payer makes the payment with a card issued by this bank. a membership type that the payer has with you. In this case the offer is only available if the payer has this type of membership with you. You must display this information to the payer to help them understand if the payment plan offer is applicable to them.
A short textual description of the qualifier.
Data can consist of any characters
The URL of the logo of the qualifier.
Data must be an absolute URI conforming to the URI syntax published by IETF RFC 2396. The URI must be one of the following schemes : https
The amount of each payment for this payment plan offer.
If the amount for the first payment differs, then the amount for the first payment is provided in item[n].paymentPlanOffer{id}.firstPaymentAmount. The amount is expressed as a decimal number in the units of the currency. For example 12.34 in USD is the amount 12 dollars and 34 cents.
Data is a decimal number.
The total amount payable by the payer, including interest and any fees for this payment plan offer.
This amount does not include the reclaim amount. The amount is expressed as a decimal number in the units of the currency. For example 12.34 in USD is the amount 12 dollars and 34 cents
Data is a decimal number.
The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) or the item identifier for this item.
Data can consist of any characters
The cost price for the item.
This amount does not include the tax amount and/or discount amount applicable to this item. This amount must be provided in the currency in field 'currency'.
Data is a string that consists of the characters 0-9 and '.' and represents a valid decimal number.
The language that you prefer to be used when presenting payment plan offers to the payer.
Payment plan offer details like, for example, terms and conditions, and reclaim instructions will be provided in this language. Provide a language identifier or IETF language tag (e.g. en_US, es, fr-CA). If the requested locale is not supported, the best matching locale is used. The default is English (en-US;q=1.0, en;q=0.5).
Data must be a language identifier or IETF language tag
Information about the payment plan products for which payment plan offers are provided.
The URL of the logo for the payment plan product.
Data must be an absolute URI conforming to the URI syntax published by IETF RFC 2396. The following schemes are forbidden : javascript
The display name of the payment plan product.
Data can consist of any characters
Alphanumeric + additional characters
An identifier to uniquely identify the payment plan product in the gateway.
Data may consist of the characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-'
A system-generated high level overall result of the operation.
Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.
The operation was declined or rejected by the gateway, acquirer or issuer
The operation is currently in progress or pending processing
The operation was successfully processed
The result of the operation is unknown
Errors Copied to clipboard
Information on possible error conditions that may occur while processing an operation using the API.
Broadly categorizes the cause of the error.
For example, errors may occur due to invalid requests or internal system failures.
Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.
The request was rejected because it did not conform to the API protocol.
The request was rejected due to security reasons such as firewall rules, expired certificate, etc.
The server did not have enough resources to process the request at the moment.
There was an internal system failure.
Textual description of the error based on the cause.
This field is returned only if the cause is INVALID_REQUEST or SERVER_BUSY.
Data can consist of any characters
Indicates the name of the field that failed validation.
This field is returned only if the cause is INVALID_REQUEST and a field level validation error was encountered.
Data can consist of any characters
Indicates the code that helps the support team to quickly identify the exact cause of the error.
This field is returned only if the cause is SERVER_FAILED or REQUEST_REJECTED.
Data can consist of any characters
Indicates the type of field validation error.
This field is returned only if the cause is INVALID_REQUEST and a field level validation error was encountered.
Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.
The request contained a field with a value that did not pass validation.
The request was missing a mandatory field.
The request contained a field that is unsupported.
A system-generated high level overall result of the operation.
Value must be a member of the following list. The values are case sensitive.
The operation resulted in an error and hence cannot be processed.