Sends a request to store the input from the hosted field(s) into the session. The status of the request is returned in the formSessionUpdate callback function defined in the PaymentSession.configure( ) function.
Usage Copied to clipboard
PaymentSession.updateSessionFromForm( )
Example Copied to clipboard
PaymentSession.configure({ callbacks: { formSessionUpdate: function(response) { // HANDLE RESPONSE FOR UPDATE SESSION if (response.status) { if ("ok" == response.status) { console.log("Session updated with data: " +; //check if the security code was provided by the user if (response.sourceOfFunds.provided.card.securityCode) { console.log("Security code was provided."); } //check if the user entered a MasterCard credit card if (response.sourceOfFunds.provided.card.scheme == 'MASTERCARD') { console.log("The user entered a MasterCard credit card.") } } else if ("fields_in_error" == response.status) { console.log("Session update failed with field errors."); if (response.errors.cardNumber) { console.log("Card number invalid or missing."); } if (response.errors.expiryYear) { console.log("Expiry year invalid or missing."); } if (response.errors.expiryMonth) { console.log("Expiry month invalid or missing."); } if (response.errors.securityCode) { console.log("Security code invalid."); } } else if ("request_timeout" == response.status) { console.log("Session update failed with request timeout: " + response.errors.message); } else if ("system_error" == response.status) { console.log("Session update failed with system error: " + response.errors.message); } } else { console.log("Session update failed: " + response); } } } }); // Response handling is done in the callbacks.formSessionUpdate callback function PaymentSession.updateSessionFromForm();
JSON Example for Session Update Response Copied to clipboard
// status can be one of the following: ok, fields_in_error, system_error, request_timeout // An error response (fields_in_error) { "status": "fields_in_error", "session": { "id": "SESSION000218450948092491657986" }, "errors": { "cardNumber": "invalid", "securityCode": "invalid" }, version: "36" } // An error response (system_error) { "status": "system_error", "session": { "id": "SESSION000218450948092491657986" }, "errors": { "message": "System error message." }, "version": "36" } // An error response (request_timeout) { "status" : "request_timeout", "session": { "id": "SESSION000218450948092491657986" }, "errors": { "message": "Request timeout error message." }, "version": "36" } // An ok response { "status":"ok", "merchant": "TESTMERCHANT", "session": { "id": "SESSION000218450948092491657986" "updateStatus":"SUCCESS", "version":"e3f144ce02" }, "sourceOfFunds": { "provided": { "card": { "brand": "MASTERCARD", "expiry": { "month": "1", "year": "39" }, "fundingMethod": "DEBIT", "nameOnCard": "John Smith", "number": "512345xxxxxx8769", "scheme": "MASTERCARD" } }, "type": "CARD" }, "version": "36" }
Arguments Copied to clipboard
Return Value Copied to clipboard